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Portable Network Graphic  |  1994-04-29  |  66KB  |  816x1056  |  8-bit (256 colors)
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OCR: Save Commands Save Prob Formulas creates columns in the current data table that save formulas for linear combinations of the response levels, prediction formulas for the response levels and prediction formula giving the most likely response Columns for Nominal Respons Columns for Ordinal Response If the response is numeric and is assigned the ordinal modeling type, th following two additional save options are available: Save Quantiles creates columns in the current data table named OrdQ 05 OrdQ .50. an OrdQ 95 that fit the quantiles for these three probabilities. Save Expected Values creates column in the current data table called Ord Expected with the formula that is the linear combination of the response values with th fitted response probabilities for each row, and gives the expected va ...